Marc Anthony – Legionary Denarius

Marc Anthony , 30 BC , Roma

Obverse:  ANT AVG III VIR R P C – praetorian galley to the right.

The Inscription reads: ANT AVG abbreviates the name Antonius along with one of his titles, Augur, a priest of the Roman state religion.

III VIR. R.P.C. (tresviri rei publicae constituendae), which loosely translates as “Triumvir for the Reorganization of the Republic”.


Reverse:  An eagle (Aquila) between two legionary standards (signa); LEG V across the field below.

The Inscription reads: LEG V – 5th Legion

  • Marc Anthony
  • Military mint moving with Marc Anthony
  • featured, Roman Imperatorial Period
  • Silver
  • 3.6gr
  • 17.03mm
  • Crawford 544/18

Very fine coin with a glorious Stylized 20-oar war galley. Galleys did  have a huge imposing front end so they could ram their frontend into the side of the enemy galley/ship to sink it.

The V Legion Alaudae

With his own funds, Julius Caesar founded the 5h Legion - Alaude in 51 or 52 BC.
It's probable that the original name of this legion was V Gallica.

The legion's insignia, an elephant, was awarded for their valor at the Battle of Thapsus in 46 BC, when the legionaries repulsed an elephant charge.
The branch's name is of Gallic ancestry.
The Gauls' high helmet spine, which gave them the appearance of larks (the word "alaudae" means "larks"), gave rise to the phrase.

Gauls from Transalpine Gaul made up the legion. In return for their devoted devotion, Caesar later granted Roman citizenship to the detachment's soldiers.
The legion participated in the Gaulish wars until 49 BC and it was then moved to Spain.

As a member of Marcus Antony's force they fought in Actium 31 BC. They were kept safe throughout Augustus' demobilization.

In 14 CE, they took part in the uprising on the Rhine. In 86 AD The 5th Legion got defeated and eliminated in the battles against the Dacians.
Cornelius Fuscus, a Praetorian Prefect, served as the final commander.

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