Obverse: Lion advancing to right, three stars around; above personification of sun. Around the lion is the name of the ‘Abbasid caliph: al-imam al-Mustansir billah amir al-mu’minin
The Inscription reads: al-imam al-Mustansir billah amir al-mu’minin – “the imam al-Mustansir billah commander of the faithful”

Reverse: Name and title in four lines; mint and date in outer margins
The Inscription reads: The reverse field names the sultan: al-sultan al-a’zam / ghiyath al-dunya wa al-din / Kaikhusru bin Kaiqubad (“the very great sultan / succor of the world and of the faith / Kaykhusraw son of Kayqubad”). The reverse margin has the mint and date: Qonya, AH 639.